Untimely Death of Albert O’Rear (1850)

Mrs Miriam Orear Everett some years ago kindly furnished me with an account of her trip as a child to visit her grandfather, Captain Jack O’Rear, who lived on the Spencer Road in Montgomery County, Kentucky. (See sketch no. 33) She described the "big house", the negro cabins, graveyard and "wagon making shop" at Captain Jack’s. At that time (1947) I went to Montgomery County and located the site of Captain Jack O’Rear’s home. Very little remained except some foundations and the tombstones in the little graveyard. A neighbor accompanied me to the site and seemed to know by tradition about what had been there. I noticed some large millstones among the remains of some foundations and asked him about that. He said there had been a distillery there and that they used to grind the grain to make the sourmash in the distilling process. I asked Mrs. Everett about the distillery shortly after this when I visited her in Washington D.C. She replied that there had been a distillery but she didn’t mention it in her "Recollections." Her father had a brother, Albert, close in age to her father, who as a boy had been climbing in the beams of the distillery and fell to his death. The family never operated the distillery after this. Mrs. Everett wrote in her "Recollections":

"Albert, near my father’s age, fell and was killed when ten or twelve years old. My father was given ten silver dimes of his, which he had made into a chain. As the years went by, he never failed to remember the anniversary of his brother’s death."